Delete organizations or your account
Delete a organization
To delete an organization, you need to be the owner of the organization. If you are the owner, you can delete the organization in the organization settings.
- Click on "Settings" in the left navigation
- Scroll down to the "Delete Organization" section
After you clicked on the "Delete Organization" button, you will be asked to confirm the deletion.
The deletion of an organization is irreversible and all data will be lost. The users of the organization will not be deleted. If the users are not part of another organization, a new empty personal organization will be created for them.
Delete your account
- Click on "Profile Settings" in the left navigation
- Scroll down to the "Delete Account" section
After you clicked on the "Delete Account" button, you will be asked to confirm the deletion.
The deletion of a user is irreversible and all data will be lost.
If the user is part of an organization, but NOT the owner, the user will be converted to a placeholder user in the organization, so that the time entries of the user are not lost.
If the user is owner of an organization, the organization will automatically be deleted during the account deletion, but only if the organization has no other members. If the organization has other members, the deletion will be prevented. To delete your account in this case, you need to transfer the ownership to another user or delete the organization first and then delete your account.